Drew Allen
The Drew Allen Show
Episode 76 - The Long Brutal Winter of the Biden Presidency

Episode 76 - The Long Brutal Winter of the Biden Presidency

Ketanji Jackson Brown isn't fit to serve on the Supreme Court...or any court. But she'll be confirmed anyway. She supports court packing, she's a liar, and she's sympathetic towards pedophiles. Our justice system is corrupt and Ketanji is part of the problem. Remember Martha Stewart? Shewent to jail or five months. Jussie Smollett served less than a week of his sentence. Pelosi has made a fortune off of insider training. Clarence Thomas is on the mend but liberals wish he were dead. The alphabet people are a bunch of terrorists. Our country is being destroyed by a minority of perverts and imbeciles. WH Press Secretary Peppermint Patti has contracted COVID for the second time in 5 months, despite being fully vaxxed. Remember the warmth of the Trump years and never forget the victims of the long Biden winter.

Drew Allen
The Drew Allen Show
Drew Allen is the Millennial Minister of Truth. Each week he makes new converts to the cause of liberty, freedom, and conservatism with his unique blend of humor, brilliance, and expert analysis of the most important events in America.