Drew Allen
The Drew Allen Show
Episode 48 - The Democrat Party is Holding America hostage

Episode 48 - The Democrat Party is Holding America hostage

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is a farce. Once again the mob is at the ready to ensure no justice is served. The prosecutors should be disbarred for their recklessness and incompetence. Steve Bannon is being threatened with jail for “contempt” but Eric Holder faced no consequences when he was held in contempt. Bannon’s arrest isn’t about Bannon. It’s about Trump. Adam Schiff is celebrating the Bannon arrest but he condemned holding Holder in contempt. Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has his office raided by the feds. The FBI is the democrat party’s storm troopers. The message in all of this is that law and order is whatever the democrats say it is. They are lawless and we must destroy them to protect the country. Democrat election lawyer Marc Elias admits the Dems stole the 2020 election. Finally inflation will disappear as soon as 5-11 year old kids get vaccinated. That’s what the Biden regime says.

Drew Allen
The Drew Allen Show
Drew Allen is the Millennial Minister of Truth. Each week he makes new converts to the cause of liberty, freedom, and conservatism with his unique blend of humor, brilliance, and expert analysis of the most important events in America.