Drew Allen
The Drew Allen Show
Episode 39 - Americans are being held hostage once again

Episode 39 - Americans are being held hostage once again

Here we go again. I explain the debt ceiling. Mitch caves and suspends debt ceiling. The federal government continues to hold us hostage. They spend more than they take and then demand we give them more. They threaten us with default every time. It’s time the government lives within its means. We aren’t their golden goose.

They spend 500 billion a month and take 300 billion from us.

Biden’s approval ratings are in free fall. But does it mean anything? Obama’s approval ratings similarly ranked. But Republicans never succeed in convincing democrats that democrat party policies are responsible.

The democrats know they’re in trouble. This is precisely why they’re attacking our first amendment right. They can’t compete in the realm of ideas because their ideas suck. They lost the CRT debate so now they’re labeling outspoken parents domestic terrorists. A fake Facebook whistleblower says Facebook isn’t doing enough to censor the right. Dems are now using this as cover to ramp up censorship. It’s all by design. What they are censoring is truth, and political dissent.

The school board doesn’t like opposition so they called the doj. The doj then threatens the parents with the fbi. The dc school system bolsters security to give credibility to the invented threat. That’s how this works.

Brett Bauer interviewed a former border patrol chief and he confirms the open border policy of the Biden regime.

A Pfizer employee reveals phizer suppressed information regarding the use of aborted fetal cells to develop their vaccine.

Finally, Joe Biden loses another battle with his teleprompter. He’s an embarrassment, liar, and fool.

Drew Allen
The Drew Allen Show
Drew Allen is the Millennial Minister of Truth. Each week he makes new converts to the cause of liberty, freedom, and conservatism with his unique blend of humor, brilliance, and expert analysis of the most important events in America.