Drew Allen
The Drew Allen Show
Episode 25 - A Time For Choosing

Episode 25 - A Time For Choosing

Cuomo resigned but it doesn't mean anything. Americans won't tolerate much more of this tyranny. Obama and other dems get to live their lives freely while they demand our sacrifice and servitude. Those who support vaccine mandates are tyrants and they come from both the left and right. My recent debate on "Beyond the Beltway" reveals this. I understand the elite because I came from the elite and I despise them. They hate you. The Democrats are insane and I give several recent examples. We are being ruled by the insane. The insane are running the asylum in their straight jackets. We have a decision to make. Will we protect America and stand for our independence or accept the totalitarian anti-American trajectory that bureaucrats and politicians can run our lives better than we can? It's time to choose sides. 

Drew Allen
The Drew Allen Show
Drew Allen is the Millennial Minister of Truth. Each week he makes new converts to the cause of liberty, freedom, and conservatism with his unique blend of humor, brilliance, and expert analysis of the most important events in America.