Drew Allen
The Drew Allen Show
Episode 139 - Democrats Prepare to Rout House Republicans on the Immigration Issue

Episode 139 - Democrats Prepare to Rout House Republicans on the Immigration Issue

Why did Biden visit the border? It's straight out of the Democrat playbook.

Of all the detention facilities on the border, Biden visits the one without any illegals. Biden’s 3 hour trip to El Paso was a pathetic photo op. But it’s part of a greater strategy to blame Republicans for the border crisis and turn a Democrat political liability into a Democrat strength.

The media played everyone on the ‘contentious’ Speakership debate. We owe the holdouts a debt of gratitude. The Democrats are now fearful that Republicans are united.

Pfizer admitted concern over the vaccine causing heart problems in young people, but covered it up.

Drew Allen
The Drew Allen Show
Drew Allen is the Millennial Minister of Truth. Each week he makes new converts to the cause of liberty, freedom, and conservatism with his unique blend of humor, brilliance, and expert analysis of the most important events in America.