Drew Allen
The Drew Allen Show
# 245 - Democrats Resurrect Russia Hoax to Try and Steal the Election

# 245 - Democrats Resurrect Russia Hoax to Try and Steal the Election

And...a Masterclass in understanding the latest CNN poll

John McCain apparently has a son. He’s going to vote for Kamala he says. Boy, these Dems are desperate.

Meanwhile, Walz’ own brother says he supports Trump.

Nate Silver says Trump winning in a landslide.

CNN says Kamala Harris is ahead in the swing states. I’ll go through the inner workings of this CNN poll to explain how they over sample democrats. There are some fascinating results, though.

The Russia interference narrative is a desperate response to these polls and reality. Demo are using Russia Russia Russia to get the DOJ involved in the elections.

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Drew Allen
The Drew Allen Show
Drew Allen is the Millennial Minister of Truth. Each week he makes new converts to the cause of liberty, freedom, and conservatism with his unique blend of humor, brilliance, and expert analysis of the most important events in America.